This is a case in which demand for earning a living has outgrown all possible economic and social planning available in developing countries. Politicians have proved quite behind in their capabilities to build peaceful social groups. This is not new, of course, but it is sad to see that human beings are the only animals "who trip against the same rock, over and over". Alluvial off site mining is so common in this part of the world that the best way to organize it is to conceive and apply strong governmente regulations, something that has been already unsuccesfully tried several times. It is imperative to study everything that has not worked before and make the necessary corrections. Points to consider in this revision are: a. HISTORY. Mining is a risky business in developing countries, because it unfolds in remote areas inhabited by impoverished peasants historically oppressed into servitude by violence who are recently being permeated by civilized take off gimmicks like ...